Scientific Board

The AMWRRO Scientific Board is comprised of individuals from many different yet equally important backgrounds.

The role of the Scientific Board is to establish and manage best practices for the ethical handling of marine wildlife rescue and treatment.  In addition, board members conduct and/or supervise research on fatal and nonfatal injuries and diseases in marine animals, with the main aim being to institute preventative strategies.  Much of this work is used to establish management protocols and to publish scientific findings in the international literature to try to maximize the effectiveness of South Australian experiences in marine wildlife rescue and evaluation.



  1. Byard RW, Machado A, Braun K, Solomon LB, Boardman W. Unexpected deaths in captive juvenile New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2010; 6: 217-220.
  2. Carapetis E, Machado A, Byard RW. Lethal consequences of ingested foreign material in seabirds. Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2010; 6: 242-243.
  3. Byard RW, Machado A, McLelland D. Endobronchial sand casts – an unusual marker of saltwater inhalation in a juvenile pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps). Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2011; 7: 222-224.
  4. Byard RW, Winskog C, Machado A, Boardman W. The assessment of lethal propeller strike injuries in sea mammals. J Forensic Legal Med (In press).



E. Carapedis. An analysis of seabird entanglements and foreign material ingestion in South Australian estuarine and river areas.

Supervisors: Byard RW, Machado A

The University of Adelaide, Australia, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 1st Class Honours in Pathology, 2009.