Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation (AMWRRO), providing a rescue and rehabilitation service for our incredibly unique Australian marine wildlife species.
Found an injured marine animal?Dolphins stranded in states north sees rescuers work well into the night to save those still alive.
A busy night for AMWRRO after coordinating the rescue of 4 stranded bottlenose dolphins in the states far north. AMWRRO received the call from local police concerning an unknown number of dolphins that had stranded in a shallow pool after the tide rushed out and caught them off guard.
One of the adult dolphins had unfortunately died and by the time rescuers got back to the others a second one passed away shortly thereafter. The other two adult dolphins were suffering from sun burn and had large numbers of blisters but were refloated after the tide returned.
Special thanks to Kylie and several members of the public who were dealing with the animals on ground through AMWRRO’s direction whilst department officials were being directed to the site to assist. Thanks to Tony for his prompt response and for assisting those on ground well after dark.
After four hours the remaining two dolphins were refloated to allow blood circulation to correct itself before letting them swim off together.
The entire ordeal finishing at 11pm. The two dolphins that passed will be collected and a postmortem examination will be carried out to further investigate the cause of death.
Meet Buster, a very young and extremely emaciated New Zealand fur seal found at Port Gibbon beach washed a few days ago. This young seal was approached by a family camping close by that were concerned for his welfare and contacted AMWRRO for advice and assistance.
Buster arrives at the AMWRRO Wildlife Hospital for treatment
Advice was given and the youngster was taken into care and driven to Port Lincoln for a vet check before joining the mile high club and was transported to Adelaide for treatment.
Buster is still in very poor condition and is being stabilized over the next few days. Flippers crossed we can pull this little guy through.
Special thanks to the Scott family for your concern and assistance in getting this guy to help ASAP.
Baby Olivia is doing well and is making the most of her newly finished 50sqm cage – click here to watch a short video of Olivia eating her leaf.
Our bushfire affected koalas have been enjoying the purpose built outdoor cages for over three weeks now and are doing very well considering the injuries they initially presented with.
Olivia making herself at home on Penny’s head!
Unfortunately Narla the worst burnt koala was euthanased a few days ago due to several ongoing medical issues. The entire AMWRRO team gave 100% ever since taking in these effected animals and much to everyone’s disappointment; Narla’s body had suffered severely and was laid to rest, a very sad moment followed by many tears by all involved.
The other four koalas: Marley, Penny, Roxy and Olivia are all thriving and enjoying their purpose built cages with special thanks to Mark Pickard C/o Hallett Concrete for supplying and installing the mammoth 130sqm concrete flooring in one day.
These cages are currently being used for koalas but will serve many purposes and help save hundreds of Australian Native animals in years to come.
A special thanks to all those people and businesses who donated money, time, medical goods (and home cooked dinners for our volunteers) to these very important animals, we at AMWRRO thank you very much for your support.
It is very gratifying to know there are people out there who care enough to help these animals by way of supporting those who stand up and do something about a problem as oppose to criticize and cause counterproductive problems for those who actually make a difference to many lives in difficult times such as a bushfire.
To all our supporters and friends of AMWRRO – thank you for supporting our work and for helping all our volunteers get through these difficult and trying times by way of lovely letters, words of encouragement and praising messages, by post and on our Facebook page.
You are who push us to better our ways and help us save those who are voiceless in times of need; you are all the voice of the voiceless.
Thank you AMWRRO Management.