







Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation – AMWRRO

Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation (AMWRRO), providing a rescue and rehabilitation service for our incredibly unique Australian marine wildlife species.

Found an injured marine animal?

The Forensic Assessment of Lethal Propeller Strike

“Assessment of injuries in marine mammals may be required to help authorities determine whether human activity was involved. Three cases of marine animal deaths involving propeller blade strikes are reported to demonstrate characteristic features of such cases and diagnostic difficulties that may occur.”

 “Injuries from being struck by boat propellers are encountered in both human and animal populations1,2, the latter occurring more frequently as increasing numbers of boats either inadvertently or deliberately encroach upon sea mammal territory and/or intentionally approach too closely to marine mammals to facilitate observation. On occasion, forensic pathologists may be requested to examine traumatic lesions in marine mammals to help authorities determine whether human activity was involved, whether the injuries were sustained before or after death, and whether the injuries either caused or played a significant role in the animal’s death3. Three cases of marine animal deaths involving propeller blade strikes are reported to demonstrate characteristic features of such cases and diagnostic difficulties that may occur.”

Taken from: Byard RW, Winskog C, Machado A, Boardman W. The assessment of lethal propeller strike injuries in sea mammals. J Forensic Legal Med (In press).

Watch the full ABC News clipping for more information:

US Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

AMWRRO have been asked to participate in the rescue efforts of the marine wildlife.

AMWRRO is in the process of getting ready to go to the US and establishing a way that you can donate to the cause via AMWRRO. More information will be provided soon.